Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cheong K at Neway

Dear Diary,
Another day again , time fly very fast , izit ? Haiz.. I wish that i still 20 year old.
Young always girl want it .. Cant make it la!! appreciate what i have now.
Hehe.. !! What a loving Sunday i have spent with my friend.
LoL!! Hang out with them wont think too much EMO thing.
Guess what !! Haha.. They all really funny and crazy la!
Almost laugh more that other.. Something i feel like very "san pat" ..
But ... But ... It's so fun ! I swear ~!! Haha.. Happy to know them all.
Thanks Eric let me know all them. Appreciate it so much.
All memories have keep it in my mind always and always .
Early morning be lazy worm again! I dunlike wake up early seriously..
Luck today i can sleep till natural wake up. Same as my lil sister la!
We two really like "pig" .. Zzzzz !! Stop saying this...
Hmmm.. Let's back to my Sunday dating topic ya!
Heading to Queesbay Mall with Six of us..
Which is Me , Eric , Pei Shan , Wiki , Soo Chong and Ocean ! 
Having brunch at Wong KoK .. *pic will show out*
Then.. Cheong K at Neway !! Weeeee!!! The most happy la! haha..
I have long time did not go sing k ad. Miss it so much.
But i have sing a lot EMO song... I like EMO song but i dunlike be EMO girl ..
Not bad la! All sing as well as good too. 
The mostly is me and Pei Shan very crazy sing the R&B song !! Keep rap like ... 
Start from 6pm sing till 12am.. Cant believe that too ah.
Most hate is tomorrow have to wake up early for work..Arrgghh!! 

Showing picture time.. I have post all the picture in my Facebook ad.
Just few pic will showing out here. =)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Party Night !!

Dear Diary, 
Hey reader , Do you missing me ! Sorry for delay blogging here again.
And just can say i will have a short blog here.. 
Because i just only have some time to spent it with my blog.
Hmm.. If want know me more , follow me in Twitter or Plurk.
All about my life in there.. will post in daily ya! =P
Today i have no work but sleep till natural only wake up !
I feel good !! Hahaha.. Wish everyday can be like this.. 
Spent my Saturday at home.. sure face to the book la! Haha..
Tonight will attend Pei Shan birthday at her home.
We have buy a RABBIT as her present ! Hope she will like it la.
This idea also think it by Eric ! The first time i hear that buy a small "animal" as gift
Very special hor !! Haha.. For me , i dun have time to take care it !... 
24 hour really not enough for me. I wish i have more time to do what i want now.
After that , almost 1am they only think want go second round ! Haizz..!!
Sad nor ! I have date my friend in Mois ! Finally PPK them ad..
Sorry guys !! I hope you will forgive me .. NEXT Time again ya ! =P
Then go J club for drink ! Hmm.. Six of us.. 
Stop here 1st .. Picture will show out my day !
Anyway, thanks for view my blog. Love u guys 

Say Hi to new cutie !!

Guess what !! 4am only off to bed ! Goooshhh..!!
sure will poop out more pimple !! :(((
Night reader ..!!

P/s :