Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday without party

Everyday also Hot Milo as breakfast then finished lunch Milo again. But never like to eat chocolate...LoL !! Before I drink sugar add Milo. Now drink without milk or sugar Milo... my colleague ask me try milk add Milo. Best ever!!

Mum and dad today go Bangkok! Seven day to stay at home take care my bro and sis... Haiz... no outing. A good boyfriend can't fix all your problems, but he can promise you won't face them alone. Thank for him coming and helping me clean up. In life we never lose friends, we only learn who our true ones are.  :)

Like not enough time for me revision! Arghhh.... I want crazy ad. Recent moody till all people will hate me. The first word when talks with people it like want to fight with it. Better stop talk with me…Wulalalala~!!! Always prepared my exam when near. Bad Habit

Tonight did not hang out with friends. Just stay at home for revision. I think i should prepared my exam early. But.. I am lazy ! 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday blue or grey ?! LOL

Hmmm.. Well !
Some of people sure will lazy read my blog ! 
Sorry for NO Picture today ! 

Should I say Tuesday blue too ? or Grey ? LOL..
Hi~!! I am done another blog again. Nothing to share out my feeling.
Today I feel that super sleepy . Yesterday have finish my one chapter account ONLY....Yay..!! ONLY la~!! Exam is nearly and nearly. Lazy finish all the chapter. Can I skip it ? ..... Zzzzz Though drink a hot hot white coffee will be better. But it make me feel more worst! Why ! Why! Tell me why ??Hate that feeling , you know?! Argghhh

Can i asking anyone , Vodka can be used to get rid of acne, blemishes and or prevent the skin from experiencing breakouts. Is that true ?? Hahaha..

Quote of the day again....No matter how badly people treat you, never drop down to their level. Just know you're better and walk away Never ever stop learning because life never stops teaching.Never reject anybody in your life, cause good people give us happiness and bad people give us experience. 

 Stop asking me always snap any picture in my life.Life is like pictures. You can look back on the moments, but you can never recapture them. Appreciate it sometime happen it. As long as you keep it will become memories. I dun have keep it as album but just save all the picture in my laptop.

How how how? How could fastest way to delete any who I dislike.
 What's the fastest way to delete a bunch of people in Facebook
Delete one by once very slow ! Think to create a new account at Facebook. 
But... I more lazy adding my friends again and wait for approve la~Haiyoooo!!!
Stupid Facebook. Easy approve but need one by one delete friends list. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Am I Troublemaker ?!

Hey guys! Once again I updated my blog.
Monday blue... I want to ask..Am I Troublemaker ?!
What kind of thing make u trouble ? The most is over think.
Only that what I am thinking actually. Still moody everyday. 
Not because LOVE anymore but trouble with my future.
No wonder what I have stay stable with my future life. 
Thinking to do online business. What should selling ?
My brain think of this kind stuff till want boom my brain. dafud Argghh 

Ermm... I'm not a perfect person, I make a lot of mistakes but still, I love those people who stay with me after knowing how I really am.I will do anything to lose weight, besides eat healthy or work out .... Try my best! Target 47kg enough!

 When guys get jealous, it's actually kinda cute. When girls get jealous, World War III is about to start.Do you feel that? Hahaha.... Try don't make decisions when you're angry. Don't make promises when you're happy. That good quote ever ! Right ? :)

 Dear music, thank you for being there when no one else was :)

 Olly Murs feat. Flo Rida - Troublemaker

Some of part for this song.... 

 .......I’m a troublemaker
Never been a faker
Doing things my own way
And never giving up.
I’m a troublemaker
Not a double taker
I don’t have the patience
To keep it on the up.......

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday ! Let cheer up ~!

Revision with my classmate on Sunday at Bubble Gurt shop... Exam is nearly but i did not feel anything. Am i prepared get failed result again? Haiz.. Did not expect the result anymore.

I guess we just use three hours face with book then heading to Auto City - Sushi King for lunch. Just feel that been long time did not eat sushi. After vegetarian, I have many food craving it very much. 

Recent play WeChat more than other app. Searching around who beside or shake the phone who else same at the time shake with the phone too. So that can adding as friends. But I not approve too many friends. Just choice some of friends who look nicely or friendly. Hahahaha.. Sorry that some of people who say HI to me but i did not reply. That some of friends I have reply is the luckily to know each as friends. Hehe.. Just for fun. Ermm.. Try dun not message me when working hours. Work hours: 9AM - 6PM Thank a lot ~

You can try too scan the QR Code to adding me as friends. 

Sign !~ Miss the moment when hang out with a gang ! Haiz.. Miss it so so much.
Like a groups of friends go for travel or any place chilling together. Lifeless now. Sob Sob ~

My phone is my alarm clock, flashlight, music player and camera. 
How about you??

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Today : PikNik Cafe & La France Restaurant

 I have careless till delete the picture. 
Just upload some of people. 

No idea how to start my revision! Sienzz ! Handing out with my boy first.
Chilling at PikNik Café been awhile. He never goes before. So we just went there for tea time. It’s just around New World Park area.
Then we have dinner at La France Cafe & Restaurant. French cuisine has never been cheap and affordable in Penang. La France cafe and Restaurants is operated by a couple where the husband is French and possesses a very foreign accent. No government charges and no service charges. Another restaurant we have come.  It was previously only a food stall at Northam Beach food court. Now, it's upgraded into a real restaurant!
There are two type of menus available here, namely the Menu Dejeuner (lunch from 12.00 noon onwards) and Menu Dinner (dinner from 6.00pm onwards). That time I went for the dinner. For the menu dinner is more that cheap that I could not expect it.  For the set dinner just RM25.00+ . Include drinks, soups, foods and dessert.

Address: 3B, Jalan Irrawaddi, 10050 Georgetown, Penang. (Opposite El Casa Restaurant)
Business Hour: Monday 12:00pm to 10:00pm; Wednesday to Sunday 12:00pm to 10:00pm
Contact Number: 012- 412 7355 
Click the website:  La France Cafe Website

Should not expect tonight have any special event or party to join with. He is not the party boy.... won't have this plan.Just went for AUTO CITY been awhile.

When I was young I always wanted to grow up, but now I just wish I was a kid again. Hmmm... No feeling with the Halloween night. Super bored! No party no event no enjoys. I love a conversation where I don't have to think about what to say. It just comes naturally.

Friday, October 26, 2012

TGIF holiday !

Live well, love much, and laugh often.
Being nice to someone you dislike doesn't mean you're fake.
 It means you're mature enough to tolerate your dislike towards them.
When life gives you lemons, just add vodka.
Enjoy the moment when still alive ! Cheer up for my life..!! YaY

Today is Friday and also holiday. Just stay at home clean up my room. 
Dust around my room that why I always nose sensitive 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Revision with classmate

Handing out with classmate. Heading to Butterworth... 
The first time we came for library study. Hahaha.. 
Nothing can envy. Different people different life.
 Face the truth and tell yourself everything will be alright.
I pretty much spend all day, every day, just looking forward to going back to sleep.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday at Gurney ~ MV-Sinister & Dessert

Half day work then heading to Gurney with my boy.
TED movie ticket is sold out.So we just watch Sinister  spent our day...
Sinister is a frightening new thriller from the producer of the Paranormal Activity films and the writer-director of The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Ethan Hawke plays a true crime novelist who discovers a box of mysterious, disturbing home movies that plunge his family into a nightmarish experience of supernatural horror.

Then,we having Crazy Potato , Hui Lau Shan - Mango Ramance RM12.90 for dessert !! 
That the day we had. Simple and loverly ..

Life is so short, just do what the fuck makes you happy.Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience.

Snap at home waiting my boy pick up.

That Crazy Potato we had. Wasabi Mayo. RM8.90 - (if not wrong with the price)

Friday, October 19, 2012



Good relationships don't just happen.
 They take time, patience, and two people who truly want to be together

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Another day we expected. 犀利人妻最終回:幸福男.不難

 Another day we expected... :) 
 I wake up every morning to say thank you God for waking me up to see another day to enjoy life
 People change, things go wrong, shit happens, but life goes on
Learn to appreciate what you have, before time makes you appreciate what you had.
 I don't want a perfect relationship, I just want the time we spend together and the love that we share to be as close to heaven as possible.

 犀利人妻最終回:幸福男.不難tonight !!
安真终于和蓝先生一起了.犀利人妻终于有了 happy ending ! ♥ 


 Before I go to sleep, I start imagining stuff that I would like to happen.
If i didn't care about you i wouldn't get so mad at the things you do. 

犀利人妻 :


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Black Ball Original Taiwanese Tea & Dessert new opened at Bukit Mertajam

 Yeah!!! Nowadays Malaysia markets have more and varied dessert selection. Here the new dessert opened nearly my house. I think who also know the Black Ball Original Taiwanese Tea & Dessert.  Go for dessert with my little sister while she have still exam next day. Bring her out for relaxed. After that, relax Sunday night, doing mask while laying on bed listen music. :D

No matter how good or bad the thing you have now, it won't last forever. Appreciate while you have it! Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. I just want someone who will STAY in my I won't have to worry about another goodbye.

Sign, I beat that tomorrow is gonna be a Monday blue for me.  Wish that have another new brands day for me.