Saturday, December 27, 2014

Celebrated : Belated Christmas eve with boyfriends

Our dating is like short but we appreciate it.
Once a week meet up a times. 

Hungry max until i saw this. My favorite sushi !! Yay 

Ramen with smoked !!!

Having dinner at Ingolf's Kneipe is Germen food
First try !! 
ignore my dark circle. 

Bath & body wash
Their lotion so pang ! Super love .. Hehe.. Both i have pick as long.
Its smell sweet like flower. 

我就是那种什么事都往坏处想的人 提前失望总好过突然失望,
Always focus on the positive

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas eve : With Girls & boys at Route 6

Its super run after work then facing traffic jam and gonna rush to Penang meet up friends.
Sorry i could not make it second time again. Is super rush for me.

But glad to have dinner with them all. Court down the Christmas eve with group friends is super warming. So i however i will not prefer candle dinner with boyfriends. Hahaha..
For me la. Some girl will like to find some fine dining or any nice to chill with boyfriends. But i prefer with group of friends. Even make any decision place. I am fine with it.

We try book the restaurant as we could but in the end. Almost full around. Gonna plan for early booking so we can go any restaurant which we want. Not that mean Route 6 is not nice. But we prefer more good. Hahaha..

Today chill with Eileen and her friends Ah Wah, Mellisa , Andy , Ah Wah Boyfriends, Eileen boyfriends and mine boy. We still not miss exchange gift with each. No idea who will get my gift and will like or not. I will prepared the gift which i so love too. Its not because now i am doing Mary Kay . Just hoping you will like the gift i have prepared. Teeheee...

I have forget the food name. The food is order by my boyf.

Happy moment when exchange gift. :)

I am so glad to know you. Thank to intro so many pretties fren to me. love ya :) 
Hoping keep in touch with you. You are once of my pretty friends in my list :p

Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas eve : Exchange Christmas gift with colleague

A simple exchange gift with colleague at Nando. 
Teeeheee... Sorry for all gift is bought from Mary Kay. 
But all i exchange with friends is needed. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Wedding : Sereen & Markdoe wedding

Hmm.. No wonder who big day today?

Its Sereen which i know her when lunch with my colleague Pei Wen.
She the talk active person who can talk with.
If i have her half way , i will more social friends
The dress is made by Sereen Mum. Its my first wearing that show my back .
Am i look sexy today? No idea how the style i could tight up.
Is still have many way to tight my dress. I prefer this. Boob small so i try cover it.
Wahahhaha.. Watching the youtube video to guide how tight is nicely.

Thank for invitation us attend your wedding. Its glad for it.
Wish you stay happiness and sweet with you husband Markdoe. 

Night we attend the wedding dinner at Ixora Hotel.
Their have theme which is Hello Kitty. 
Girls who love Hello Kitty wedding?