Monday, August 31, 2015

Hunt Food : Macalister Mansion with the girls


First Time been here with the girls . Macalister Mansion 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Swimming Season

Swimming season with Wen Wen [Pei Wen] and Dy Dy [Candy]
I always change ppls nickname , called that like getting close , right? LOL

Luan Fong Kopitiam - Breakfast 
Sandwish + Egg + Neslo 

所谓不知量力的家伙 ..hahahah!!!

Hang Out with brothers & sister

Its not always brings them hang out . Once my bro back from Sabah. We will try plan some day which that all of us are free. Just wanna stick together and capture more and more picture as we could. Picture always make ppls memories . That why i love it heart emoticon