Saturday, October 31, 2015

Short trip with JB + KL Colleague in Penang

full of breakfast - food nt nice 

Group picture with colleague + boss 

he always make me mad and something do any "gong gong" thing make me laugh

this is so crazy =.= 

Tonight Halloween Night i find you ya 

what a pose?! 

sorry ! i show my fat oil seen ppls keep say i slim
actually i am not .. :(

Here my skin care is must !!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Sumitec Staff - Team Building at Flamingo Cafe, Flamingo Hotel

On the way to Penang. This year we just go for Team Building at Penang

Here my two colleague 

Alright ~ Tonight i will stay here. for three day two night 
  I have been try few time , in the end - success ~ haha..
its not really hard to do this - focus to the point 

this what we call team work. Its my team. 
A bit pressure with two boss 
but at least i not need think much. Hahahah

Outside game - raining but continue . 
i gonna headache if still continue . 
luck too heavy , we stop the game 

Relaxing awhile and wait for dinner time ~

After the dinner , they say go to Batu Fringgi for Starbucks.
I wish i can meet someone else there

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Neway Karaoke Box Sing K with BoyFriend

我们俩真的很久没有一起唱K 了,我只的是只有我们俩.

别人活得多好不关你的事 你活得再不好也是你自己的事 别人光辉的背后你不懂 你的悲哀别人也不需要懂 不要只是会羡慕嫉妒恨 你能做的就是自己努力把自己的生活变得更好 不要去在意别人的眼光 也不要让人为了你的眼光感到困扰 记得 做好自己

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Celebrate : Vivian Birthday

Just a simple gethering with the girls ~
Glad can celebrate with my babe Vivian .
Happy Birthday anyway ~ I wishes you stay pretty and wish your love come true ~
Just chill with the girls , and some of friends are not join.
could wrong timing, but i am pretty sure we have another day meet up again.