Monday, August 22, 2016

Thursday, August 18, 2016

❥Mary Kay : 使用玫琳凯产品常见问题

使用MARY KAY产品,没有效果,一般有以下几种常见情况:

1. 没有坚持全套护理,保养步骤不齐全,只是一瓶,或简单两三瓶的护理。有的人不用洗面奶,有的人不用面膜,有的人不用隔离或粉底保护,自然而然,一瓶和一套的效果有区别。
2. 有全套,但没有按美容老师开的配方,坚持认真持续使用3-6个月以上。想用的时候用,不想用的时候就不用;心情好时用,心情不好时不用;今天用,明天不用;晚上用,早上不用等等。
3. 美容顾问方面的问题,一些刚从事这份工作的人,专业上的知识还不够,配了不太正确的配方给顾客,没有针对性的解决到顾客的问题。

4. 美容顾问没有及时跟进,没有售后服务,或者顾客本身拒绝接受服务,导致自己在家里用法,用量出现问题,效果也就大打折扣。


6. 网上或一些违规人员手中,购买到假货,或者是真货但一样没有售后服务的产品。
7. 边使用,边怀疑。今天听这人说,哎呦,MK的产品不要用哦,有依赖性哦,用了会过敏哦,明天听那人说:哎呦,她们的产品都是超标的,网上都在报道呢……

8. 经常压抑,生气,烦躁的人,所谓“相由心生”,这样的人,神仙姐姐也救不了你哦。

9. 心急的人。例如,长痘,或者敏感,本身这类问题的调理,依个人体质,皮肤吸收能力不一样,调理时间长短也不一。有的人长了N年的痘痘,就希望在短短几个月内让痘痘消失的无影无踪,使用了小段时间后,觉得痘痘没少,就说没效果,不用了。可是她却没有发现,效果不在于能让你痘痘马上减少,而在于你的毛孔是否干净了许多,你的毛囊炎症是否减轻了很多?你的敏感症状是否没之前那么严重?

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

❥Mary Kay : Gel Semi-Matte Lipstick


价格超級廉价亲民5星产品 3星价格‼️

八种颜色 :
Bashful You
Rich Truffle
Mauve Moment
Powerful Pink
Always Apricot
Poppy Please
Midnight Red
Crushed Berry

Sunday, August 14, 2016

14.8.16 Sunday

Meet up Fanny at Fourspoon for chit chat.

Best friends is the siblings from different parents 

Went to Gurney meet up Candy and Dada

New try Arashi Shabu Shabu in Gurney Plaza pic at Arashi Shabu Shabu.. i am super hungry .
Once food come , i just non stop eat.

After a group pic snap by Candy


14.8.16 Sunday

Meet up Fanny at Fourspoon for chit chat.

Best friends is the siblings from different parents 

Went to Gurney meet up Candy and Dada

New try Arashi Shabu Shabu in Gurney Plaza pic at Arashi Shabu Shabu.. i am super hungry .
Once food come , i just non stop eat.

After a group pic snap by Candy


Saturday, August 13, 2016

13.8.2016 Saturday

Stay a night at Shineville Park Condo and woke up early for swim.
Their swimming pool was indoor. And beside is gym.
If i bring my sport shoes i am sure will prefer go for gym room had a jog.

didt you saw me ? LOL

Today gonna arrange to send all my product to friends & customer.

After only had my breakfast at The Daily Dose Cafe - New Try

I have order Big Breakfast [RM20] and Pineapple & Orange mix fruit juice [RM10]

And he order Cheesy Bacon Toast [RM17] and Caramel Macchiato [RM15]

The Daily Dose 
36, Stewart Lane,
10200 Georgetown, Pulau Pinang.
Email :

Nice try , will come again next time

After we went to First Avenue shopping. I am looking for purple color dresses.
Craving their cake which is Moody Cow cafe. Their cake is super cheese.
I prefer order their BeiJing Moon Cake [RM24]

Moody Cow Cafe 
170 Transfer Road ,
10050 Georgetown , Penang.
Tel : 016-4101995

I get my belated Valentine Gift from him