Friday, October 8, 2010

Burger King with Danny & Fanny

Halo,my blogger friend who have view my blog :)
Is really long time din upload my blog ad..
Cuz recently i am busying in everything ..
Today only upload some day about special or fun at here..
I am waiting Burger King coming ..
Finally today i am from bm go to Penang eat "you"..
Always say burger burger burger.." I really wanna eat you la!"
Have Me , Fanny and Danny ..two gals and 1 guys
When we reach there..Totally ...and ....FULL!
But however i also want to eat it ! lining up and keep waiting ..
No seat we go round there have a sit and enjoy our burger =D
Is my dinner or supper ah?! For me is my dinner la..I din eat yet..
I thought burger king will look " BIG "..Chew... It same like McD Burger also la..
But i feel so full too ..I keep eating at there ..
Maybe i feel so hungry or maybe as they say ..i am tam jiak po la..
They so crazy at there also..taking alot picture..But almost also "ugly" 1 la..yuck..
I dunno why just having burger at there also can making alot fun too...haha..So happy =)
Just show u all about my picture at here..Some of picture is upload at facebook ..
But not in my album la..Some picture it tag in my facebook also :)

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