Sunday, March 27, 2011


Dear Diary ,

Hey peepss !!  Great to see you guys keep read my blog! Hmm..... Today just have some short topic about me at here to share with u guys . Sunday is coming today. I thought can go climb mountain with my two babe. Keep calling them, only know they still SLEEPING. What a pity girl just like me... Hungry and sleepy moody ..! Luck i have two brother wake up early.

So ? Just we three off to Mcd - Auto City for breakfast!!   haha.. Hope that can buy without waiting !  "Dreaming" la YOU !  However , since so many people is early that we. And discharged to line up outside the Mcd door.  WTFxxx...  有没有这样夸张!  I cant enjoy my breakfast in Mcd ad. Just gonna take away. Waiting half an hour only can buy it. Two set family breakfast pay by me. T.T Because I not dare take out that "print" voucher Mcd nah !! Gonna pay RM47+ i guess. Arrrrrgggg !!!! This month should be free breakfast set breakfast .
 Two set Family breakfast Mcd =)
 That mine =)
 My Brother .. 
eat ahhhhh..~

Dress up and make up nicely today. Gonna hang out nor.! Today still the same, heading to Penang when afternoon.But my eye gonna drop soon. Freaking sleepy now!! I just know i have two big panda eye.Using BB cream cover it .Having Mcd ice-cream again.


Today bird work at BED , so just find him awhile and asking him do some drink for me ! TQ !! LoL... Playing the Ipad game at here too.
 Here my Facebook
 Me and my babe
Playing Angry Bird here nor..

Go Gurney for movie, watching the World Invasion again. -.-  I want to know, Is that Sucker Punch most worst movie as u all saying? I though girl fighting should be nice what.. No people say Sucker Punch is nice. So, i guess not cancel watch this movie.In fact , I have that feeling of curiosity about this movie.

Dinner with Candy , Ah Beng , Helen , Kido and M3 which is at Raja Uda - Who's Bryan  . The restaurants name so cutie lo. Me , Candy and Kido also order Pasta!.. The Western food is very good.Wearing whole day lens, after take out the lens i feel so pain.='(

 Who's Bryan
 Kido Tan 
 Ah Beng ~
 Pizza add Tabasco is the BEST !

Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog combine ! Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday

Dear daily,
Soon to weekend, and recently nothing happened to me. This week is also considered quite boring. Nothing special to share with you guys. My life seem like wake up early morning then prepared to work, finish work then bath , eat  then maybe will hang out with friend or online Facebook , Twitter , Plurk at home then off to my bed. Let’s  tell you guys about this week what I am done.

Monday  - 21 March
-work and work ( I now have two jobs) that is morning work as a clerk- Account assistant. After that, finish work about 6pm then prepared another work again. 7pm start to work as a part time nurse (sound good it’s a nurse, right? But it was not that good at all. Because I have learn nothing here. I mean the medicine in this clinic. Just learning some pregnancy text and other pregnancy need how to check take care themselves. lolz !! But I am afraid to see these things longer because born a baby ! Am I afraid born baby. Yes ~ it’s!! It not that simple as u think. After girl pregnancy need eat a lot of supplements. All nutrition just gave the children. And I am happy that I not scare BLOOD anymore! )

Tuesday – 22 March
-still the same working life. Today my eye one big one small! “pai kua si “ !! Arrgg !!!  Have nasi lemak as my breakfast in office. Seems like a lot people say did not eat breakfast will die faster. izit or not ? Monday I have done my thing. And now, I am free online Facebook , Twitter , Plurk here I coming . =)  Waiting the lunch time, guess what I eat today? Just have a vegetarian lunch. But I miss it so much. LoL.. Maybe I think it’s delicious for me. After finish work, prepared going out with friend. Tonight watch movie with my friend. World Invasion at Sunway! You guys have to watch it ! This movie is really very touched people. Haha…tonight make up natural, yellow eye shadow. =)

World Invasion

Wednesday – 23 March
-The day same as yesterday. work work work… ! Recently I receive my friend Mei Ting getting marry ad. My friend one by one are getting married, woot!!  Wish them will sweet forever! Sincerely wish them! I love the weather today. “liang liang shuang shuang de” xoxo…  having “盖饭” as lunch today. Super fully ! For me , as a simple meal of rice. Since people miss the taste. Not bad! haha..Planning after work want go swim with Fish , Xu Yu and Connie. But “ 天不作美” , the sky become grey. Haiz.. have to cancel ad! No swimming today … sigh !! Really long time did not swim. My mum bought me a swimsuit also did not wear yet. So? Tonight just stay at home online. Seriously I dun like my boyfriend simple call a girl like “ close name”… Same also I dun like a boy who have girlfriend then still closing with me! Fuck off this man please!! So cincai la!! Yuckkkk… cincai also can call people babe or honey. Stupid people!!  For me, happiness is so hard to earn. Sadness can earn it in one second, fast like need for speed.


Thursday – 24 Mach
-sleepy mood today! Last night 1am only off to bed. Having a small pack original crackers as my breakfast. I am late come work, so I not buy any breakfast. I am so free work today. Just have a random blog. About the beauty thing, girl view it if u like. I need to go for a vacation badly. I need some time off. I have too much in my mind. I really need some rest. I want everything bad to go away and good things come back to me. This month I really bad luck.  If I think too much then will DIE faster. Search any course in website. I wonder I want study what course better. Now I’m still floating. I dun wan regret after I choice .Back from lunch with two colleague. They love to find nice food ! Then , today I bring them go eat Yam Rice. LoL.. Sound good , right ! . Tonight planning watch Men Suddenly In Love with my babe in Pacific. Suddenly miss TGV popcorn, it’s sweet like honey .Woot !! What a funny movie I watch.  In this movie make me laugh non-stop! Haha.. Buy a large popcorn, mashed potato and large ice lemon tea with Fanny too. But we cant finish it the popcorn. I am so envy the girl who thin still have big boobs!! Envyyyy !!! Tonight no blogging! After finish movie I feel so sleep ad. Off to bed about 1am.

Slim body ....

Friday – 25 March
-Oh ! It’s already Friday. Weekend is nearly~!Any plan here.. ? Everyone is happy saying the Friday coming today. Haha.. same as me too !! Sure will think is party night , right ? Sorry ! I am the good girl hor. Tonight I have part time job again. Today my dad fetch me to work then my brother using the car go to class. How good it I have my own car ah ! My dad plan wanna buy a car but need to pay myself monthly. I like a man who works hard for their work because want be better in future! Look good this kind man!! Yea! Some time bad things are gonna happen in life. People will hurt you maybe. But you can’t use that as an excuse to hurt someone back. Today I still think why the girl so slim then can keep their big boobs 1. How to make it! Any girl wanna teach me ah ! haha.. It’s time 1pm now, going lunch with my two colleague again. Heading to Jusco Mcd as our lunch! They order the same spicy chicken set but I order Filet-O-Fish set lunch better.Good news here! Another friend gonna marry soon. She asking me be her “ji mui” . Sure I wont reject her geh. This month have two classmate getting marry ad.  Wish them two sweet forever. When turn me leh ! Sot !! I still want single life la.. Freedom please!!  This month I totally “pop” ad! Spend most of money for food. That the reason I cant slim la.......bla bla bla... 

I am using two hour to finish this blog. Because i need to remember what i did this week. Haha..xD

p/s : LoL.. Thanks for view my weekly blog ah! Thanks for view my boring blog without any picture.I promise that when i have my own camera then i will post all the picture as i cuz. Thanks guys . Stay tuned :)

Add !!!
add some word here:-
 My english is poor. Hope u guys will understand what i am talking about.! Hahahaha.. you know i know la..Shhhh!~

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Movie and Sing K ♥

Dear Diary ,
It's Weekend day ..Sunday . Wake up early and call two babe wake up.
Which is my dear Fanny and Fish... : 3
Just going "pasar pagi" having breakfast then off to Fish house chit chat.
No cooking today.. Last night wanna buy pasta but i am late go Sunway ad.
All the shop have just closed ad. But we three still can having Ban Mee as breakfast .
LoL.. Not bad too !
Recently i have just sleep 5 hours in per day. So sleepy ah wei !!!!
I have panda eye now. Try using BB cream cover it ! Hmmm...
I wanna spend my day with a great and fun Sunday. Plus power with the coffee
Afternoon then heading to 1st Avenue. Having lunch at Yi Cafe...

A pot of Green Tea 
Taste bad la!! The 1st i complain the food !! T^T
Mushroom soup + bread

Today watching Big Mamas : Like Father , Like Son.. It was funny movie.
In fact,this movie released last two week i guess.
I want to watch this movie when laughing non-stop.
This movie really good show .Oh ! You guys should go watch it !
Today i'm not saying the story of this movie in here.
Just show out u guys the trailer.
Click here !! Click here !!

And this is the song when i hear from this movie.
After finish movie, back home and searching the song in Youtube.
And finally , i found it ! haha.. i totally dunno the song name.
Try to listen it ! Nice song izit ! Just hope can share v u guys :)

Baby You Know -Jessica Lucas Ft. Brandon T Jackson&Alana

Miracle - Prodi G

Not bad , right ! Haha.. After the movie then directly into Red Box.
No booking totally. I just try want to ask the price and time.
Then , the counter girl said :" You can go in ad. Sing until 9pm"...
The first is what i feel silly to stay there a direct.. Gosshh..
I wanna to sing K for long time ad.. BUT finally ~!!! Hahaha...
Freaking cold after finish movie.. i cant imagine that how cold am i now.
Trembling inside the room...Goooshh !! Please close the air conditioning !!
I am the most high inside there..So happy when sing the song i like.
Many chose to listen to love songs and some of my favorite songs to sing.
Almost all of the songs are choice by me. Pity boy sing K with me.

I take two ~!!Haha

Lemon Honey & Lemon Rebiana as my drink

 This two mike is mine 1..and the Ipad 

 Standing up the sofa and sing

 Love to sing.. But not good in sound yet.Practice more and more

 My long straight hair .. LoL.. Look not natural yet

Sorry guys !! I think should share all my friend ur funny pose ..xD
Nice teeth !! so cute la ! hahahaha

All also M3♥~

After back home.. Taking some picture here.. =)

Rain all day today. I wonder why i feel so cold here.
Ta Bao Mcd Filet O Fish one set as my dinner.
So the day passed quite fast really...
Still have wait for one day only can wash my hair..
My hair is itchy and very smelly la! Have a strong sense of hair syrup.
Tonight will be a good night for me !

Friends , Remember dun forget cover sheets hor. Have a nice day =)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's Wednesday

Dear daily,
Today was Wednesday .Still the same day for me. Today my brother fetch me go work .I really wish that no transport problem anymore. When I only have my own car leh ? Sigh~ Today have a new colleague , but not my account part. No my problem also =P Today everything so smooth here.

Hmm… I book the facial many time , but almost also fail. Full of booking almost ! I need facial badly la !!! Haiyaaa… Just forget it ad la! Hmm.. My babe all also not free tonight. Nobody want movie with me also. sad sad nah..!! Tonight just guai guai stay at home be guai lui. Just face the book = Facebook. Recently the facebook so lag . Loading the picture video or comment also slow . I hate when need to wait the speed like that. Luck still have plurk and twitter ! Teeheee.. ♥

My old classmate friend Mei Ting have getting marry on this Sunday ! So happy to hear this news from her call. Wish Mei Ting and her dear sweet always ya !! I still dunno that day can attend her wedding dinner or not .Today also on my MSN crazy webcam !Haha.. So fun there.. it really long time didt webcam ad.. Be siao po !! Keep chit chat in MSN .Wahahaha.. And I love to search the R&B song recently. After I listen new song from Hitz FM then I will search in youtube.

I wonder why some girl can blogging everyday . But I will try my to spend my day blogging here. Just a simple for my everyday. But I wish can share with u guys all the happy and unhappy thing at here. Love ya ! xD

Let sing a song here....

Music of a day 
Darin - Can't Stop Love

We stand here today, together as one
You brighten my days,
just like the sun
When everything around,
is like stormy weather,
We always survive,
cause were in this together

Whoever said that we could never hold on,
Do now know I found my star
(Baby you are my star)
And now I'm happy I stood up for so long
And baby this is where our story starts

I can't stop,
can't stop this love
No matter what they say,
I love you
I can't stop, can't stop,
I love you no matter what they say, I love you
They said this love was the impossible kind
But we were strong enough to fight for this life
I can't stop,
can't stop this love
No matter what they say,
I love you

Now i'm carried away because I've opened arms
You're here to stay,
deep in my heart
They said that we couldn't, but we did make it work
And nothing could stop us, not even two different worlds

Whoever said that we could never hold on,
Do now know I found my star
(Baby you are my star)
And now I'm happy I stood up for so long
And baby this is where our story starts't_stop_love_lyrics_darin.html

I can't stop,
can't stop this love
No matter what they say,
I love you
I can't stop, can't stop,
I love you no matter what they say, I love you
They said this love was the impossible kind
But we were strong enough to fight for this life
I can't stop,
can't stop this love
No matter what they say,
I love you

I can't stop, stop,
No i can't stop
I can't stop, stop,
No i can't stop...

I can't stop,
can't stop this love
No matter what they say,
I love you
I can't stop, can't stop,
I love you no matter what they say, I love you
They said this love was the impossible kind
But we were strong enough to fight for this life
I can't stop,
can't stop this love
No matter what they say,
I love you

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy Valentine White Day♥

Dear Diary ,
Monday blueee... Guess what day ? Happy Valentine White Day
But for me..Just a simple day and working day .
When only have public holiday again ah! Haha..
No more holiday when you get work life.
I wish i can have a trip .. I wanna enjoy it ! 
Hmm..Smile is a wonderful beginning for everything =]
Recently all the news about Japan ! So sad when i get this news.
Pray hard for them... Hope everything will back normal again..: :'(
I view a lot video in youtube.All about the japan news .Sigh...
Hmm.. Missing someone .. Haha.. 

Music of the day 
All about him - Auburn 

'Cause I'm all about him, him, him, him, him 
And he's all about me, me, me, me, me 
And we don't give a dang, dang, dang, dang, dang 
About nobody-e-e-e 

'Cause I'm all about him, him, him, him, him 
And he's all about me, me, me, me, me 
And we don't give a dang, dang, dang, dang, dang 
About nobody-e-e-e 

Friday, March 11, 2011

M̸o̸n̸ T̸u̸e̸s̸ W̸e̸d̸ T̸h̸u̸r̸s̸ It's Friday

Dear Dairy,
It's Friday here. So happy that tomorrow is weekend again.
Any plan here.. Hmm.. I still thinking want go where.
Maybe i will stay at home in weekend. Relax and watch drama..Maybe~
The streamyx installer just install then line in my house! Finally !!
I am so excited . First time reach home i will online . haha..
I can watch Youtube or PPS as i want now
No need waiting for loading .. sometime really make me pek cek. 
Even watch one video in youtube need wait half an hour. 
I cant keep wait for that. I need smooth line please.. !!!
But my mum worry about us keep watch drama and forget the day should do what .
Especially my sister , when she watch drama. She wont move the screen ad.
But i will control her. I am so scare when she exam time still want watch drama.-.-

Tonight want go Penang attend Ivee and Danny Wedding Ceremony which is Stone Bat Restaurant.
I am still fat , hard to find a nice dress. Sigh..
Sitting same table have :-
Me, Kido , Bird , Loo Ting , Wei Liang , Jason , Mike , Khong Leng , Kok Eu..
After the dinner, they going for second round - Belissa Row Red
I cant make it ad. Tomorrow still have to work.
Back early and shower ..Just a day i have it ... 
Take some siao po picture in my room ! Ahaha..

Music of the day ♥
Fucking perfect - P!nk

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

38 Women's Day

Dear Diary ,
Today is 38 Women's Day .. Let be san pat girl ! Haha...
Nothing special day for me la! Just about the day 8 March .LoL..
Today i am going TM Point application Streamyx which is near my company too.
I tot will wait so long until can application it . 
So today i not going lunch with my colleague.
But just wait there for 30 min then done the apply Streamyx ad! 
Goooshh..!! Have to wait for one week only go my house install the streamyx
I have just call the Maxis Centre to close my broadband line only ! =.=
I cant even one day no online at home. So what to do now..sigh~
Go Jusco Mcdonald "ta bao" my lunch. Then go Watson buy anything needed.
Every time when i go Watsons sure will spend a lot money at there.
There have too many thing i have to buy. Lotion , hair care , mask , shampoo ....
I have just buy Neutogena Deep Clean . 
Blackhead Eliminating-Daily Scrub, Foaming Cleanser and Cooling Toner

After pang kang then back home and prepared go Sunway !!
Tonight wanna go for movie ! - The Adjustment Bureau 
Then having dinner at Sakae Sushi .. Yummmiee.. Love Sushi so so much !
We have enjoy our sushi till forget the time ad. So we miss the movie i guess have half an hour.
The Adjustment Bureau- This is a love story, not an action movie.
the men of The Adjustment Bureau - 
who will do everything in their considerable power to prevent David and Elise from being together.
I bet there will not be a positive comment from any viewer here.
 Also not realistic at all, just like the starhub advertisement.

So i not really understand the storOpen the door and you reach another place far away. 
Super crap. Ugly actress. How to give negative rating?
Hmm.. I not really understand the movie also.
Just try to check the google and search the story.
After watch the movie , i have habit to check the google searching the story and read.
Good habit , izit ! Haha.. But i still cant improve my english la!
I mean speak.. I am not good in speak in english ! That why la !!
Hmm.. I still wait for other movie coming ! 
BIG MOMMAS: LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON !! Have to watch this.. 
So funny when saw the poster ! haha
And the movie -RANGO . Johnny Depp is Rango!! He like to watch his movie.. 
Planning when coming out will watch too.. crazy movie..

Bird have just back from BED work again. Hmm.. Will the "story" return again ?! 
I wish we dun have any clubbing life anymore.
SO.. Please anyone dun jio me go club ad. 
Unless there are special reason.I  not exclude like cafe like BED , Sega..... 
But not clubbing please ! I am stop in this place ad.It really less and less go.
If anyone who jio me, i will ignore it . Sorry guys =)
This is my principle , i hope u all know ya ... But i will not 100percent ANTI that.