Sunday, March 20, 2011

Movie and Sing K ♥

Dear Diary ,
It's Weekend day ..Sunday . Wake up early and call two babe wake up.
Which is my dear Fanny and Fish... : 3
Just going "pasar pagi" having breakfast then off to Fish house chit chat.
No cooking today.. Last night wanna buy pasta but i am late go Sunway ad.
All the shop have just closed ad. But we three still can having Ban Mee as breakfast .
LoL.. Not bad too !
Recently i have just sleep 5 hours in per day. So sleepy ah wei !!!!
I have panda eye now. Try using BB cream cover it ! Hmmm...
I wanna spend my day with a great and fun Sunday. Plus power with the coffee
Afternoon then heading to 1st Avenue. Having lunch at Yi Cafe...

A pot of Green Tea 
Taste bad la!! The 1st i complain the food !! T^T
Mushroom soup + bread

Today watching Big Mamas : Like Father , Like Son.. It was funny movie.
In fact,this movie released last two week i guess.
I want to watch this movie when laughing non-stop.
This movie really good show .Oh ! You guys should go watch it !
Today i'm not saying the story of this movie in here.
Just show out u guys the trailer.
Click here !! Click here !!

And this is the song when i hear from this movie.
After finish movie, back home and searching the song in Youtube.
And finally , i found it ! haha.. i totally dunno the song name.
Try to listen it ! Nice song izit ! Just hope can share v u guys :)

Baby You Know -Jessica Lucas Ft. Brandon T Jackson&Alana

Miracle - Prodi G

Not bad , right ! Haha.. After the movie then directly into Red Box.
No booking totally. I just try want to ask the price and time.
Then , the counter girl said :" You can go in ad. Sing until 9pm"...
The first is what i feel silly to stay there a direct.. Gosshh..
I wanna to sing K for long time ad.. BUT finally ~!!! Hahaha...
Freaking cold after finish movie.. i cant imagine that how cold am i now.
Trembling inside the room...Goooshh !! Please close the air conditioning !!
I am the most high inside there..So happy when sing the song i like.
Many chose to listen to love songs and some of my favorite songs to sing.
Almost all of the songs are choice by me. Pity boy sing K with me.

I take two ~!!Haha

Lemon Honey & Lemon Rebiana as my drink

 This two mike is mine 1..and the Ipad 

 Standing up the sofa and sing

 Love to sing.. But not good in sound yet.Practice more and more

 My long straight hair .. LoL.. Look not natural yet

Sorry guys !! I think should share all my friend ur funny pose ..xD
Nice teeth !! so cute la ! hahahaha

All also M3♥~

After back home.. Taking some picture here.. =)

Rain all day today. I wonder why i feel so cold here.
Ta Bao Mcd Filet O Fish one set as my dinner.
So the day passed quite fast really...
Still have wait for one day only can wash my hair..
My hair is itchy and very smelly la! Have a strong sense of hair syrup.
Tonight will be a good night for me !

Friends , Remember dun forget cover sheets hor. Have a nice day =)

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