Sunday, April 24, 2011

Stay home for whole day

Sticky as my daily sweet! =P

Dear Dairy,

Sunday is here nor! But I not wake up early in this morning. Like to lay on my bed rolling here rolling there.. xoxo !My daddy bought us breakfast in early morning. When I want eat, the mee all “Po ki” ..sound like……Yuckkkk !!! Karry Mee here..that my first meal ..

I’m going to cook pasta today. But is cook for my sister and brother. Pasta as their lunch nor. Today should be my mum last day of travel. Can't wait for my mum back home. Kaka.. And I am going out lunch with Eric. When he went KL, he bought me 4 box Sticky ~Candy !!Which is Kiwi , Lemon , Apple and Mix favor. Likey ~!!Woot !! I wonder he will buy so many for me. Thanks ya !!  I cant control myself keep eat the candy ! hahaha…

Today just wanna stay at home have a good rest. Actually i wish could hang out and movie. But....never mind ad la. Finish nap then wake up and clean up the house. Sweating a lot nor.. HOT !! Really long time did not help my mum do housework ad.  Such a good girl today.=P

It’s planning tonight go Fuel or Overtime again. But unluck that suddenly I stomachache. Arrrrgg !!! Stay at home for whole day really boring ah. Bo pian ad..!! Just can cancel the plan and stay at home sleep early. Hope tomorrow will get well soon. 11pm off to my bed ! Night Sweetie Reader =)

 I cook a lot nor.. But i am sure my sis n bro sure can finish it =P
They more tam jiak that me ..haha

 Made some for Eric =)

 Done !! Taadaaa~

-.- Not enough eat also.. Next time should buy two..

Thanks Eric !! Likey ~ !!  

 Lemon flavor 

Apple flavor 

Kiwi flavor 

I think is Mix flavor gua ! haha 


When I think it back he said with his friend :” Even myself also dunno I miss which one….” My heart is DIE  , feel so cold!! I not think to wasted my time on him anymore.  If cant make sure you really LOVE is me or another one. Better dun back together la. Waste my time to get another better man.  之前因为你错过一个好男人,现在我不会再这样了。时间回不了过去了。Promise myself will be better that before. Work hard and study hard now. I need to get a good result. The best thing about the past, is no more..! I have received everything u done with me. Some look good and some bad…  NOW.. I need a good man here. Without drink and smoke .  男生在追你的时候 会做一切讨好你的事情 追到后 休想他们做回同样的事

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