Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tree Monkey @ Tropic Spice Garden

Dear my dairy,

When I wake up feel so headache. Drink some hot drink here. It’s better that. Thinking today want go where. I dun want to waste my weekends. So, dun even think ask me stay at home whole day. Monkey Beach ?? And where is the Tree Monkey as they say …. ??  Where it is..? I have no idea. I’m stay near Penang and didn’t even know this place existed.

Clean up myself and think what should wear later. Only know that I have a lot black cloths. No wonder yesterday I always wear black color. Today I not think wear black shirt again. Colorful please! Lol … just wear a grey shirt and a short pant today. simple ~

Follow the same gang out today. Today add one more – list down here, Helen , Hui Wer , Ah Khai ,Candy , Ah Beng and me .. six person in one car. LoL.. 

Heading to Tree Monkey @ Tropic Spice Garden. The Tree Monkey Restaurant is perched on the hill of Tropical Spice Garden in Penang’s Teluk Bahang. This was tranquil and romantic restaurant. Nice environment perfect for photoshoot also. Beautiful place for a quiet dinner for two, though prices certainly on the higher end pricing for a Thai meal. Hahaha..

We enjoyed the meal from this kampung-style restaurant sitting on a hill. Love the feeling so so much … =)

Welcome Tree Monkey ^^

 Picture time !

 here we are..Nice lehhh...lolz

 Hui Wer look like so happy ah! excited it ..

 Helen promote the Menu .. LoL..

 What he doing actually ?! -.-

 Tree Monkey's Wine List.. 
Anyone wan have some drink here.. LoL

 My hair is cover it my face lo..xD

 Hui Wer Here..^^

Taaadaaaa... Meeeee...^^

 The Menu

 Ah Beng here ^^

 The sea is beside us ... Nice !! Love the place much ! : )

 Pretty Hui Wer here.. =P

 Style like Thai ... :3

 We all are waiting the food come.. so hungry nor.. :3

LoL... Ah beng act cute there.. and Candy ?! u sleep or ....??

 sleepy ~

 Milk shake =)

Tree Monkey@ Tropical Spice Garden:-
Lone Crag Villa, Lot 595 Mukim 2,Jalan Teluk Bahang, Penang.
Business hours:
Sunday to Thursday from 9 am to 11 pm
Friday & Saturday from 9 am until midnight
0 Penang

Only Helen dun like eat durian. Look for the durian where is the best .But seems like just went around Sungai Penang. Did not get anything there . Sound like one day trip at Penang .. LoL.. “Pening” keep round and 
round the road. I am so sleepy ..Zzzzz

Went 1st Avenue watch movie – Scream4 . Horror movie.. But I think is normal for me! Lol …. Finish movie then back to BM Chai Leng Park eat “Le Le”… So happy that can hang out with them guys. Today I am the most BLUR there. Always “bo sim”, but is better that stay at home emo and think too much.had so much food today . Satisfied ~ !!!

All the actors in Scream 4 

Like this poster .. lol..

 Movie time ..
Popcorn timeeee... Teeheee...xD

PoPcorn !! 

Having Le Le as dinner at Chai Leng Park nor..

What a great Sunday today. I hate that feeling when back home again. I feel dun like stay at home alone. Will feel emo and think too much blab la thing. Not everyone can force a smile when they’re sad on the inside. When I said “I am okey”.. But I really need someone who care me actually. Everyone want to know the true but it is hurt. :3

Sorry that if any mistake or word.. I just rush post my blog here.. 
Thanks for view ya.. Stay tuned =)

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