Sunday, April 10, 2011

Have a great day with my friend =)

Dear Dairy,

Hey my dear reader, I am back blogging here. Sorry for late updated blog.

Still the same day for me, early morning wake up and prepared going out. Pick up my babe then heading to Tokun Hill. About 11am only finish climb hill. Feel so tired after climb .After that, having breakfast at Old Town with babe. Every time went Old Town sure will order Nasi  Lemak . That my favor! Finish breakfast feel so full, dun even feel want eat lunch later. Just wanna  Chatime later =P

Arrrgg…  So many problem la! What should I wear later. I am so FAT! Fucking hate myself nor!! Finally I choice one cloth which is haven’t wear before. LoL..Plan today go Queensbay Mall chill with friend. My Mascare –Maybelline almost finish ad. Have to buy it at Watsons …

Nah....This is better ad gua.. I look fat in this picture nor.. 

Really bek tahan myself.. Keep take picture in my room..LoL..

Should have a hair cut ad.. Seems like cover my half face.. LoL... 

Having lunch at Sushi King with Fanny, Fish, Xiu Yu , Candy , Ah Beng , Kido and M3. I not eat much at there. Because I still feel full. Sure will not miss it buy Chatime nor. LoL.. Taadaaa.. This is the picture we take there.

In the car .. Heading to Penang nor.. =)
The 1st i wear like this actually ! But i like the style like this.. 

Hard to find car park.. So , finally pack the most high 1.. LoL..

Tadaaaa.. Here we are.. In Sushi King now..
Having ou lunch here..noom noomssss 

Burger Sushi ?! LoL.. Look yummieee..

Candy and Fanny babe  

In Sushi King .. Fanny babe  

Xiu Yu And Fish babe. My cute babe   

Taadaaaa....Fanny noom noom come :3

This is what pose actually ?! LoL..

LoL.. Xiu Yu babe 

Sorry Fanny !! I thinking post it also.. Even i know u are so hungry and busy eat .. 
The "big mouth" Fanny .. Hahahaha.. Other is busy eating too..

This is all i eat ! Tam Jiak also..LoL

That me !! 

Yaaaaa~!!! Chatime after lunch  

Watch Source Code with Candy, Ah Beng and Kido nor. After finish this movie, I still not understand the story. Sorry that I cannot share with u guys. So confuse!! I though can watch Ghost Must Be Crazy . But didt have GSC ! Sob Sob…. That why not watch today nor.Feel not comfortable with my eye.. So pain and dry .. Stupid lens!!

Source Code later ...

With Candy babe.. 
It too bored when we waiting the movie time up.
Just sitting beside and take some picture here.. LoL..
I not the good camera girl i think.. 

Show time !! Movie time nor.. :3

Monday blueee again! Wish May come soon.. I want holiday !! Will start study. Another new brand month for me! I wish i could have a better life right now.. Even when i busy but still can enjoy my life. =)

Thanks for view .. Stay tuned here ya  

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