Saturday, July 2, 2011

Enjoy Saturday Night

Dear Diary,
Heyyyy!! I'm back here again. Did not think time flies really fast.
Weekend again ! So, what's your plan..? 
I just have my simple way and life.. Chilling with friend together.
Hmm.. Saturday Saturday Saturday..
I still have half day work, just finish work then back home take a nap 
Plus enough my POWER.. Tonight ... hiak hiak hiak..
Heading to 1st Avenue with Daniel for movie. Guess what ... Transformer !! 
Everyone very expect this movie hor.. I wonder still have seat or not.
Luck He have online buy the ticket . But the room we watch also FULL of people.
All people sure went there because Transformer movie i guess.
For me , i still okey la! I prefer horror movie more! Like ghost movie !! My favor !! =P
Chatime as my lunch ! Skip my lunch , because dun have time to having my lunch. 
Yaaa!! Still have popcorn as my lunch too !! Honey popcorn !! LoL
Hmm.. not bad when i finish movie.. But the mostly is i watch that sexy girl more.
Have a sexy body and woot !! Very envy her...!! All guys sure will die on her hand ..Even ME..
Sushi King as our dinner , only 1 hour to eat then faster heading to Upper Penang Road ad.
I hope that Mois tonigh wont too many people go. Hope that !! 
Quite long did not go there ad.. Hmm.. Let me guess.. 3 month or.. maybe 4 month ..
Even myself also forget how the way to go.. What the...Hahahaha..
Rain heave in Penang ... But i dun think to cancel it ! However i also wanna party tonight !!!
Expect as long ad..!! So, please dun broken my mood ya! 
Heyyyy...!! I just skip till here ya! Hope u all have a great day with your friend too.
See ya.. ^^ Thanks for view too .. stay tuned

Just a picture to show out my day with my friend


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