Friday, August 26, 2011

Chilling at Beach

Dear Diary,

Feel like quite long did not upload my blogging
Sorry that i am busy with my work n study.
Only spent few an hours with my blog. Hope u guys wont mind ya.
Today i still have work, but is just half day .
After finish work then out for lunch . Kap Pui and Ice Kacang ! xoxo
Tonight gonna meet up friend again. LoL
I try to curling my hair again. But... Failed.. =(
I hope it will look natural and nice. I need more practice .
Waiting them pick up me, all have late..hungry die me...=(((
Just a cup LARGE milk as my dinner. sob sob...
Tonight will go Bora Bora Beach - The New Sunset Bistro.
Just stop till here today.Picture ~

Four guys here.. 

Lim ah~ 

Heyy... girlsss

Three of us.. ^^

We all look tired hor.. 


Before want remove make up..

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