Saturday, November 19, 2011

Outing with different gang friend

Dear dairy,
Oh my Saturday, still have to work but just only half day. Today was unluck day for me, last two week i have absent for computer class which arrange by my company . But i did not go , scold by my officer.. I though today wont go again.. FML.. Scold by her early morning ! Really broke my mood ! 

Until 1pm only end this "class" .. then heading to Sunway Carnival with my colleague. I think is the first time hand out with them . - Qiu Yu and Pei Ying.. ^^  

Rushing back home and dress up nicely tonight! Half an hour curl my hair..Guess what?!
I gonna attend my friend wedding ! congz to her and wish her stay sweet always.
I quite long time did not meet up my old friend. Some of my friend have change till cant recognize . Pretty and handsome .. Some of them have found their lover.. Jealous ! ~ Leave me and Fanny .. sob sob !! Pity and nobody want.. hahahahaha!!! I think i still not able start another new love . I not good enough or maybe i still search which is same pursue dream ... I DUNNO..

Hmm.. second round off to Penang meet up my babe !! Miss them all so so much. Some more drinksss !! I not good in drink but i like to go some place which can chill with friends and nice music there ~ Shake shake.. LoL .. Heyy~!! need to mention here la! I not clubbing kaki please ! Stop say me ad! 

Okey ... Fine .. Reach home almost 4am ad.. WHY ? because we wait the ferry ..Zzzz.. 12am the Penang bridge was closed . Jam like hell.. 

Hmm.. Thanks for view my blog, ignore some  "wrong" grammar 

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