Saturday, December 10, 2011

10 Dec 2011

Dear Diary,
Hi my dear reader, Missing me or not. Sorry for late upload blogging.
This month i have full of scheduled .. Almost crazy ad.
Haiz.. It is because i lack of sleep. Pimple one by one pop out ! *cry loud !!!!
Try to sleep early as I could.. ( Say nia la~!!)
I have masking every night as i am free time while doing homework or Facebook-ing.
Ossspp~!! I think i have out of this day topic.
So.. It's Saturday.. Today i dun have work but.. I still choice OT ..
Not because i work hard but i am going dance class at 1pm. *cincai nor !! LoL
Aizzz~!! How many class i have .. I still not good in dance as well..
****Bubble bubble bubble pop .. Bubble bubble pop pop* 
After dance direct went BW for swimming .. Weeeeee*
It's happy for that because that was hot weather !! 1~2~3~ JUMP in the pool..

Heading to Strait Quey with Eric .. Weeeee*
Freaking tired after dance and swim...Tonight sure will sleep tight jer..=)
Guess where am i going.. I was planing tonight go The Library which is new opened at Strait Quey.
Having dinner at Blue Reef Fish & Chips.. Craving as long time.. Thanks Eric bring me go ^^
After dinner I feel stomach pain. Sure must today whole day didt eat anything.
Only having sandwich and soya as breakfast until now. Oh ya~ I can be god ad.. LoL..
Haizzz.. We have miss out the time.. Full house in The Library.. I totally cant found any place seat.
I think i dun have that chance tonight.. Change another place better nor..
Berlin's Bier Houz was the another place we chill..
Taaadaaa.. Here have some picture show out..
Anyway thanks for view again.. and .. stay tuned ya ^^

Look here.. 

I look tired actually*


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