Sunday, January 22, 2012

Reunion with family

Dear diary,
Guess what today ??.. Tomorrow is Chinese New Year. Today will have a family reunion .
We're actually suppose to have our family reunion lunch at noon 2pm now they have to change it to 7pm bcos of dad. He still busy with his work. We just simple have porridge and wait for dad finish work.

Prepared the reunion dinner by myself.. Mum tired till have a short nap
Steamboat + Red Wine .. awesome ^^

Showing out the steamboat i had prepared.
Taaadaaa..Look yummie ... Noom noommm time 

DONE ... Laii.. eat eat eat.. TomYam Steamboat ..=)

Happy Dragon year 12.00AM

I can hear fireworks everywhere! It's like world war III !! LoL
Tonight seems like fireworks competition! XD..
Fireworks for almost half and hour already, crazy!
Our house also have ^^v

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