Thursday, March 22, 2012


Busy with my study , Teacher have given us some test this few week. It really killing us.
I have work ans study , make my life bored and tired..
Life is too short to worry what is going on or what will happen next.
Day by day , nothing really changes. But when you look back, everything seems different.
A lot of people want to go back to the past, But i don not want to,Now my life is better than before, Look forward for a better future. 

Oh yea~!! Been Frozt awhile with Chin Chin babe ! Gossip girl thing again..

S.T.U.D.Y = Sing, Tweeting, Unlimited Texting, Dreaming , Yawning. Yesss Mom, I love to study 
Well~ I think i have to stop shopping and buy what i want now. Gonna jobless soon for two month. 

Karty Perry - Part of me

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