Wednesday, April 11, 2012

After watch Battleship then Earthquake ?!

Yuck! Piakkk* what a spoil hair i had now.. grass hair.

Today is public holiday, but i still up early for jogging with another fatty - my lil bro.Sweating must =)
Simple make up and heading Queesbay Mall with my sister , Eric , Pei Shan and Soo Chong.
Yeaaa~!! Buy a new camera for myself. Thank for daddy sponsor me ! 
Happy happy ... ! Finally get the new camera.
So... I am Nikon user now..

Watching Battleship , I have not regret watch this movie. Its awesome !


Suddenly earthquake had spoiled my Wednesday. All the shop have to close it.
Movie , Shopping, Dinner.. Cancelled everything ruined damn you tsunami make us unhappy.
We are hungry and waiting at outside. How i wish it nothing happen.
I still at PENANG...!!!
First wave in 2012, Indonesia geophysical agency record 8.9. World ending soon?
Why i did not feel any earthquake ,after watch Battleship then earthquake! Chehhhh lo !!!
No wonder who is the most care me in this moment ! Receive some text and call. My dear friends, I am safely homie now! :') 

Let's pray together The magnitureearthquake off Indonesia.

Happen in Queenbays Mall.Zzz

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