Thursday, May 17, 2012

First day at Ipoh and KL

The best part of the morning is knowing that someone is waiting for you to wake up.
Wake up about 4AM in the morning, curling my hair and dress up prepared for trip. 5.30PM he come early to my house pick up Me and Candy and Ah Beng. Finally our trip successful !

About 8AM+ we reach Ipoh Restoran Foh San Dim Sum. Craving as long time. Yummmieee.. Dim Sum add Chinese Tea is the best ever. We order too much and eat very full make us tummy round like a ball. LoL

About 10.48PM heading to KL , 1PM we have reach there.How luck I have remember bring my pillow-chou chou go together. If not I am sure cant sleep well all the night. Hahaha.. Check in at Indigo Hotel. It is cheap and clean.Not bad ! All the money we have to spent for food and shopping. Done for shower then go Candy aundy restaurant for brunch. Yummie Yummiee.. I am first try the noodles at Andy Noodle. Nice !! "Aunty, Can I have one more..?" LoL.. After you eat, you will not regret about it. Special try Stewed Prawn with Milk Spice Noodles. Taste good nor !

Then we go One Utama Shopping Centre for shopping. I am first time came here for shopping. Then have a short nap at hotel.Needed full of charges for tonight. Wait for Iwer and Khai come KL by bus. Having Ho Ho Steamboat Restaurant with six of us. Thought can have next round Bak Kut Tea. But we totally eat too much. Some more I still gastric, it is killing my mood. FML..

Just a day i spent with it. Thank for view and stay tuned for next day blog! Hehe..
Here have some picture for today. Happy Thursday too all of you. 

Done the curl in early morning.LoL

Can't wait for this trip! Weeee

Candy, what you doing behind me..LoL

Sun affect become this color. Red? Should I try dye this

Reach ! Dim Sum as breakfast. with Candy babe !

Making fun while nothing do at car.LoL.. Do you know what we doing now.. 
M for Mandy ..

Craving as long ! Niceeee.. 

Hot Porridge needed as well. 

Say Hi to fatty ! LoL.. This time sure I will gain weight. I swear ..

Early celebrated Candy and Eric . May baby boy and girl.

DONE the first day blog ! See you next blog :p

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