Sunday, May 20, 2012

Last day at KL - 520

Happy 520 today! 

Wake up early about 8pm for packing and go for early breakfast.Gonna go early to airport. Keep it all the memories at here. Pick up Candy, Iwer, Khai, Ah Beng to LCCT then leave me and Eric back by car. 

Reach home about 5PM+ . Syok~!! Nap in the car and what a pity driver tired like nobody care.LoL.Yay. Mommy cooking tonight. I realize today is 520,no wonder why so many status at FB is all about 520. Happy 520 day to all my lovely family and friends I want a guy who will come up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist. Just to surprise me & whisper in my ear" Baby, great that you beside me". =]

I don't have a perfect life, but I have lots of perfect moments. 

Woot !! All the cloth I have bought. If not the brand cloth but still nicely for me. Thank for someone ! 
I have some new cloth again. Special short pants. I bought three short pants ! Yay ^^v

Love the cheese tatt very much !!!

Banana Buzz.. First I try is not that taste I want. But after second.. "Can I have one more?".. Taste Yummiee
"Boost Me !!".... "OkOk.. I boost you again in next ! :p"

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