Saturday, May 12, 2012

Shopping day and Yummie Day

Heading to Auto City for Subway for breakfast. Revision for awhile then only off to Gurney for shopping. Looking part of stores sell men and women shirts. Next week travel we have intend wearing the same clothes together. Look forward for next weekend. Yeah!! 

No wonder why Sushi Tie have to line up . Is that something special inside the shop?
Gonna try the food only know the result , Sushi always my LOVE food.
We have order some special food- steamboat spicy + salmon fish + seafood. Woot !Great*

Is been long time did not wear high heel shoes for walk whole day. Leg pain* need massage!
Acc Pei Shan walk around Auto City. She looking for the wedding dinner dress.
Hmm.. Only I have window shopping , because i could not spent too much money for it.
After the travel then see whatever have any nice dress. Hiak Hiak..

Mum have asking me why recently less of make up and lens too. The other did not care about what I dress up. And why I still care it too much. Somemore I feel very comfortable. Because I wear contact lenses have over time sure will fell very dry. Make my eye not comfortable. 

Thank for view my blog again ! Stay tuned for next blog.! Mucks :*
Posting some picture snap by today. 

Hahaha.. I am just testing the shirt. Buy it nor ! 

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