Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Starbucks + Swensen + The Library

In the morning, drink a glass of water and eat a piece of your favorite fruit , like a banana. How your skin is ready to face the day ahead! 

Wednesday for Starbucks member half price discount as tea time.Snap some picture and wait for some friends come and meet up us later. Hmm.. Today I not order Mocha but prefer Green Tea Cream Ice Branded. 

Went Swensen for celebrated birthday boy. Gethering with his friend and sure have Pei Shan babe here. Hehehe.. Snap picture like nobody care. Well... here we are..

All of us...

Next round we went The Library near Overtime which at Raja Uda. No wonder they will tired or not. Tomorrow they still have normal working day.Hehe.. Enjoy the live band here. Not bad nor!!..

Haizzz..!! Please ignore my fatty leg ! Start keep fit plan ...

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