Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Watch Safe tonight

My mum saying right , I really cant stay as long at homie. No wonder why I listen Hebe song while doing homework I feel so sleepy. LoL.. Ossspp! Sorry to Hebe fans. I still like her song much. Is much better some of song . Yeahh~!! Movie tonight ! and i gonna prepared but without make up. Kinda lazy after need remove make up.  

Having dinner Little Chef then the movie night we watch Safe. No wonder it nice or not. I still not watch trailer yet. But the movie is action show. Safe, the action movie starring Jason Statham
After finish watch Safe. I thinking the movie i had not regret to watch it ! Is nice.. But why other people comment say just so so ..SAFE’s vivid central relationship between Luke and Mei is the driving force of the film.Jason Statham is a hell of a fighter, you can’t beat him! He is crazy but beats up a large number of Russian mobsters.

When someone says"You just made my day!" It make my day

Noom noommm.. Dinner time..

I am Starbucks Fans too ! Do you ? 

We wear same cloth today

Look at my eye ! My eye can open to the biggest during the night ! LoL

But I still sleep early tonight, So, night peeps ! Stay tuned ya. 


Good-bye, Hello - SNSD

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