Thursday, July 5, 2012

Auto City Sushi King for Bonanza last day

After finish work then heading to Auto City Sushi King line up for Bonanza last day .
Waiting for one hours more...Goooshhh!! Luck we still have spent time to shopping. If not waiting at there like sohai..Zzzz... Too many people crazy with the sushi promotion. Full of sushi... satisfied :)
With Fanny , Andy and my little brother too. I hate it when people say "bo jio"..

One man can love a million women in one way but it takes a real man to love one women for a million reasons. I'm a simple person who hides a thousand feelings behind the happiest smile.People only get jealous when they care.Some of people happy not because they have a lot but they care less.
A good man will only love 3 women in his lifetime; you, his mother, and his daughter. 

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