Friday, July 27, 2012

Chilling with Fanny & Holly

Oh Friday night..
Just a simple meet up with Fanny and Holly, so far I less outing with Holly. 
Today we plan go Starbucks for coffee! I am craving for Green Tea Ice Branded. 
But ... I think we are late for reach there. Full of people line up at Starbucks.
Only we have to go another place but not stupid line up and wait the drinks.
Winter Warmer and Tong Ba Fu for next round.
I have a simple light up make up and lens. But I still cant take out my lens.
Only the way is have to let my sister take out the lens , long nail still not habit take out the lens.
Happy moment with both of them. And thank for my sister ying snap the picture. =]

END... Bye Friday. Stay tuned for next blog.

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