Sunday, July 1, 2012

JULY, you are finally here. Be good to me.

Natural wake up and not sleep enough seven hours. Yawnnn..! Morning peepsss.. Its Sunday again !
Aiyaaa..!! Come to early.. I tot 10AM work but its 11AM work. Doing nothing at here..Sweat la!
Today just for one day work with my cousin which at Pacific - Fipper Shoes.
From 11AM till 10AM... Actually damn tired with whole day work. Mostly is stand whole day and service customer too. OMG.. Not easy leh.  I have sell 94 per shoe in per day ! LOL.. If have commission that goood la! Bad skin after always make up whole day ! sign ! I not suit for make up actually. Itchy face and skin..Surprise that Fish and Xiu Yu come and visit me while I am working. I love having friends who can me laugh, who I can be completely weird with, who I can hang out with, who can make me have fun together. Miss my buddy so so much. Have some picture of the day.


Ignore the dirty toilet.* 

Help my cousin selling Fipper. =)

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