Friday, August 31, 2012

LaMeiZi & Pik Nik Cafe

Naked face ?! 

Jalan jalan cari makan !

Heading to LaMeiZi steamboat for early dinner about 5PM. Miss the TomYam soup very much. I have craving it as long time. Finally can have a try again. Two people have steamboat really make us easy full.

After only went Pik Nik Cafe somewhere located Jalan Nagore. Chilling at Pik Nik Cafe with Chin Chin , and we have snap a lot picture at there. The weekday operation hours at 3PM till 11PM. Friday and Saturday till 2AM. The environment is nice and relaxing . Such a good place for a big group of  friends for gethering.Awwwww.... Falling in new chilling place.Happy !! There got boards and card game for you to kill your boredom though. The food is also quite nice but i still haven't try yet. Just order drink a first try. Gonna plan for next try with HIM . Hehe.. 

I love the new creativity of young entrepreneurs in Penang. People are begging to open up interesting cafe and the new wonder colorful place. In fact, many times, the music is only a friend to accompany me through those nights. Thank for the music accompany all the times.

Forget to charges full my external charges. Haizzzz.. Low battery ...
Just snap some picture for today. Using phone snap so the quality wont so nice.
The picture sure have edit by me. Hope will be nice for
 those reader who view my blog. Thank :]

At LaMeiZi Steamboat. 
TomYam Soup...!! 


Should order other. Haiz.. I have order two plate fish ball that I dislike. Yuck! What a waste..

Chin Chin babe!!

At Pik Nik .
 Nice place for chilling with friends.

Finish dinner just order two drink .

How the taste ? o.0 

Ermmm.. My Honey Milk milk..

Sweet... taste good ! 

Purple lens.. Look at you! 

It is over WHITE... Over EDIT... GHOST!!! =.= who have 美图秀秀will know.

Bad skin actually ! UGLY ... Gonna remove make up before sleep.

Shopping at QB

Happy Medeka with Chin Chin !! 

Hey guys, I come back to my blog again. Simply drop down any word at here.
I am freaking lazy upload my blog , and my life just simple so I had nothing to post. Still missing the moment when outing with him. Waiting for another two week him will back Malaysia.Three month had past very fast.Feel lifeless without him. Planning many place go with him. Hehe..

This month I have over spend money. Two times facial , skin care, cosmetic and outing with friends for shopping. How do i save money for the next trip. Fail !

Today I and Chin Chin heading to Queesbay Mall for shopping. Today have Mega Sales for any brands. Bought some cloth and walk around there looking for anything to buy. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012



Lay left ..

Lay right...

Many relationships fail not because the people involved don't love each other but because the timing just isn't right.No one is perfect, but with the right person... you've got a perfect match .I want look like a girl, act like a boss. Think like a man, work like a boss. LOL


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Spent with Family ~

Last night I have drink too much , feel like dizzy and not feeling well.
Sorry for busy party rock with my friend until forget to reply any message to him. He sure worry about me very much
Its long time did not out clubbing ad. Lifeless and without any party night .
Sunday spent my day with family. How about you?
Hang out with brother buy any stuff for prepared go Sabah .
Just can help him do anything when he need. Then heading to Bukit Tambum for Sauna.
HoHoHo ~!! It been long time did not go there for sauna ad. Then…. Go for dinner. Craving for crab as long.
What a poor ENGLISG I had nowdays. Anyone can improve me ?!

Appreciate every moments that you have... before they become memories.If someone is special to you, treat them like it. If you don't show them you appreciate them, they have no reason to stick around.

Reminder to self: Overthinking is not going to make anything better

After sauna ... Look UGLY !! 

 Waiting for noom noom ! Dinner at Tambun..

Saturday, August 25, 2012


 Home is where I can look ugly and enjoy it. 

Time flies, but the memories collected along the way can never be replaced.Some people come into your life as a blessing, and others come into your life as lessons. Good things come to those who wait, greater things come to those who are willing to work for it.

Some people say "you can't live without LOVE" personally, I think OXYGEN is more important. lmaoo..Being someone’s ‘FIRST LOVE' is great but being Someone’s ‘LAST LOVE’ is beyond perfect.
When you start feeling like you want to give up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.

The day of the song. Light

睡得比你迟一点,醒来早一点。雨天,同撑一把伞,他衣服 的一半是湿的。

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Early morning heading to Tokun for hiking the mountain then go nearly Kota Permai Kopi Tiam for breakfast.  Cheap and fast. Craving for Ban Mee but today no opened. Sadddd…

Plan to go Sunway Carnival with Chin Chin for movie but full of seat. Just shopping and see whatever what needed to buy . This month I have over spent again. FML!!  

I never argue, I just explain why I'm right. LOL… Am I right? Everything a few surface, see you with that point of view. . The boring day life is also limited edition. Stay at home catch up my drama. Tomorrow still have work. Sob sob ! Need rest early.. 
Stay tuned for my next blog.

Izit feel my blog BORED ?! Lifelessssss

Post any picture for hiking mountain .