Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday with classmate

 You have to live for today, not yesterday, or tomorrow. Live for what's right.
DIARY - Blog tonight! Updated the day I had :)
When you lost my trust. You also lost me. Some guys just don't realize how much one little things can hurt a girl.Live with no excuses and love with no regrets.
Wishing that can go shopping without a budget.....
 Spend your life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress.
Time actually goes really fast when you’re in front of your laptop.

Steamboat craving as long.Dinner with classmate at Zi Wei Yuan Steamboat (紫薇園魚頭火炭爐)
Full till I want vomit ad. Three person order eight plate .. Goossshh.. wannt boom my stomach meh -__-

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