Friday, September 14, 2012


Skip the bored class with my classmate but meet up at 滚一滚 steamboat for dinner.
Curious why I still have go for class?
Haiz.. My account is fail, so I have to retake this subject again exam in November. 
Is our first try! Great that have a new shop near my house. LOL
Though finish the steamboat the go for second round. Dessert or Heng Heng TomYam.
Aiyerr.. After finish and reach home almost 10PM+ 
Just wash my face and brush teeth but without bath. Smelly ! I am freaking lazy !
Work and class or work then hang out ,really make me tired.
Izit I am getting older then I have not that active go anywhere.
After 11PM I am sure will tired and need off to bed early. Health girl ! =]
I always fail slim down that because always have next round. Hahaha..
But i really do enjoy with my friends. So, today my keep fit plan fail again.
Start it tomorrow and tomorrow.. 
( sorry for my poor English , it transfer from Chinese )
Just have a short blog here, stay tuned for next.
No wonder how to improve my blog as well. 
Get more interest or special ?
Hmmm.. Well, I have to spent my time to found it out.

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