Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Meet up classmate - Bubble Gurt

Chilling with my classmate after my finish work. No wonder where we could discuss our homework.
I have to retake my account course. Because i have fail my account subject. Sad case.
Retake really dunno how to face with the next exam again.
I have no idea how could stay keep study with it. No more confidence . 
With classmate discuss homework is better that we meet up for gossip .LOL
Just a few picture for today. Snap some picture with my classmate. 
Anyway , Thank for view my blog ya. Appreciate very much..

She name Sze Wen =)

Acting cute again ! hahahaha

Here have Winnie and Sze Wen and M3! 


Just a few of quote for today:~

No matter how busy a person is, if they really care, they'll always find time for you.
The best relationship is when you can completely act yourself and they can still love you for who you are.Good relationships don't just happen. They take time, patience, and two people who truly want to be together.When you love a person no matter how many lies he told you are hundred percent believe that once you know the facts lie, no amount of reason you do not believe, lovers, Please do not undermine your trust.

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