Saturday, November 3, 2012

Skyfall for tonight

Heading to Jusco alone for buy any stuff cook pasta tonight for my brother and sister as their dinner. Red bean cook by myself! This is my lunch...! Once again mentioned! Its sweet enough I had. Thumb up yoooo!! :) After done the paste! And waiting my boy picks up me... But first he has to finish my pasta too!

Heading to Sunway Carnival watches SKYFALL 007….."You may have my number, you can take my name, but you’ll never have my heart."Let the sky fall, when it crumbles we will stand tall Face it all together At Skyfall… Do you have listen Skyfall sing by Adele. Nice song ever!

Then only have Black Ball dessert as supper. Dessert is my favor. It is great day for me. How about you? Don't worry about people that don't like you, enjoy the ones who do. :>
No matter what kind of day you have, find that reason to smile :)

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