Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve with a group friends

 Merry Christmas to all of you ~♥
Prepared and wait Pei Shan pick up me. Heading to Penang later.. 
Celebrated Christmas with a group friends at Mar Vista Condominium.
My boy "ang mo kek pa " prepared a sumptuous dinner. 
Guys will be his helper to prepared anything he need. And girls just sitting at the sofa wait for the food. LOL... How great if my boy friends will know to prepared it for me. Fantasy* 
Alright , here have some picture take by today. 
Its been long time did not meet up Pei Shan and Wiki . Nice to meet them again. 
I am sure that spending my day with them it is really fun. Cant wait for next outing again. Hehe.. 
So , did you past your Christmas day with your lovely one? You may share with me =]
Wishing our friends and family a joyous holiday filled with peace, love and prosperity. Merry Christmas :)

Finally three of us meet up again. 

Picture with the Christmas tree

With Pretty Wiki 

Four girl ~ Jaden gf - Ke Xin , Wiki then is Me and Pei Shan =]

Another picture snap by Wiki BF

Cant wait for the dinner ! Woot ~!! 

Tadaaaa... Look delicious right ? Craving for the mush potato mostly !! 

Big Turkey that we had. I am the first try . LOL..

Well, as we glad that have dinner together . 

Only the one picture with my boy. He really busy ... yerrr

All guys here.. !! Say cheerrrr~

Take 2 ..

I want a MAN to look at me while I'm smiling with friends and doing those stupid things and he whispered to his bro saying"Damn,I love her!"

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