Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sushi Tei & Queensbay Mall Today ~

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Dear December. Please be nice a month for me. Sincerely, Everyone. Hahaha.. 

It is the first day December. It also Saturday but I have half day work. After finish work then go to Sunway Carnival having lunch with boss and colleague.  First time walk in Sunway new opened Sushi Tei. I just have snapped the food that we order. But I don’t know what the name it is. Hahahaha…

Today have a lot mega sell at shopping mall. But I just window shopping. Still not get my salary. Sad till max.  Then heading to Queensbay Mall with Fanny.  Simple outfit with my babe girl. Acc her buy dress for celebrate Christmas in this month. ME ? Can i wear old cloth ah?

Really admire those girl have smooth hair all the time . I need wash my hair every single day. Sometime look very oil and itchy. 

Without lens~!! like a dead fish eye  =.=

Pattern more that badminton 

LOL.. another one..

Nando as dinner...~ Extra peri peri hot ! 

 You and M3 


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