Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Its My Life

My life isn't perfect, but I'm thankful for everything I have. Appreciated what I had and ignoring the bad thing even happen to me. Not all people in your life are meant to stay.  Facing with laptop till now and keep refresh many time Twitter and Facebook. What a lifeless!!! =.= 

Don't worry if I argue with you, but worry when I stop because that means there's nothing left to fight for. The worst feeling is when someone makes you feel special, then suddenly leaves you hanging, and you have to act like you don't care at all... Better dun happen this case on me again. I am the jealous type if you don't like that then I'm not your type. :p

Everyone is busy shopping for new cloth. I have buy enough the cloth, some of the cloth are bought at Bangkok by my mum. Thank for this year no need worry this.
Some more Valentine day is coming... what you have prepared to your love? Hmm.. I still not prepared yet. Hahahaha...

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