Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday 23.1.2013

Sometimes, I think too much about what's going to happen in my future.
Just wanna have better life in future. Without worry and  trepidation.
Without troubled money is the most !!

Well, Seriously I need to started keep fit. CNY is coming soon.
There who still do not buy new cloth or shoe yet?
I think I have buy enough the dress and cloth. Less for outfit wear actually.
Because my working just need wear uniform . Hahaha.. Save a lot la.!! 
 Hard to slim down nor!! Because I always gastric ! What a sad case...
 February please come faster! I can't wait I can't wait I can't waittttttt!!!!

 I hate it when I forget something I really wanted to say.Ermm.. Ermm...
Tonight join with my boy friends and his friends at The Library - Raja Uda.
I just doing nothing there and without press phone, but I am quite sit there listen the music .
And surprise that i have Orange Juice but no alcohol

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