Sunday, February 17, 2013

Chur 8 - Home sweet home

Wake up 10AM today ! Hiak hiak hiak.. if everyday like that.
Done packing then back home now! I swear myself after back must start diet .
You know how serious I have gain my weight .
Chubby face , fat leg and fat arm,some more my big tummy ! sad die me !!\
Before back we go for brunch which stop popular chicken rice! No idea what the shop name it is.
Reach home around 6pm . Oh home sweet home ! 
Tonight have to help mum prepared for pray "Ti Kong"
But i think i busy online more that help. Hahahaha..
Five day did not properly online and check my Twitter.
Must back my life again! Tomorrow still have to work.

Enjoy the little things in life, because one day, you'll look back and realize that they were actually big things.

A real boyfriend calls you for nothing, texts you all the time, wants to see you, cries, gets jealous, over protective and loves you

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