Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sunday . Gurney

What a freaking hot weather had recent !! Stay at home till night only hang out.
I cant handle it this weather ! Better dun get sick , if not cny cant eat anything i want.

Hmm.. Yesterday just hang out with my boy family go Pacific for buy cny stuff. 
Today? Heading to Penang Gurney for buy any stuff needed at next trip , hiak hiak..
List out what to buy , Sun block & Shampoo & Bikini ...
Dim Dimm!! Today done buy all the stuff need !

Lens needed !

Bikini for the trip ! cant wait it !=]

Sun block ! 

Having brunch at Bar BBQ Plaza! Yummm Yumm...Yummm

No matter how tired are, removing the makeup before bed is a must. REMEMBER it hor !!


A MAN can LOVE a million GIRLS... 
but only a real MAN can LOVE one GIRL in million ways

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