Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuesday . Sunway Carnival

CNY is come over speed. Anything have to prepare yet.
Well, i really do take my time to sign in Digi to check my e-Statement . 
No wonder why keep send me the annoying message. Today however I have to clear all the Digi bill !! Totally RM165. Really FML..
Shit it’s nearly valentines day and I haven’t gift for my boyfren

 Everyone is busy with their work. So same as me as well. Less tweet recent while working.
 After finish work then heading to Sunway Carnival buy some thing needed ! 
 Korean make up ?!
Eye liner with the gold + orange eyeshadow

We have dessert at Hui Lau Shen !! Mango lover !! LOL.. Thumb up ~

 Saw my boss at Parkson then i said: Why you are here? He reply me: Why i not here? hahahaha.. "wrong question I asking".. lmao

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