Saturday, April 6, 2013

Chilling at Victoria Rossa English Tea Room

Enjoy tea time with my boy at Victoria Rossa English Tea Room. Actually I go there for enjoy the surrounding feeling. I still haven’t eaten my lunch yet seen early morning had a large Nasi Lemak. Ospppp.. super fat !

When we reach Victoria Rossa need to line up, Luck the boss and barmaid serve well. Here have home baked meringue, teacakes , sandwiches and have a choice of 30 home blend single estate while leaf teas. It took us a hard time to make our decision. Just ask for the barmaid intro which nice.

We have order a set of Victoria Rossa Worlds Finest English Tea, I wish have something taste sweet like cranberry. And I can’t forget the freshly baked butter cake and raisin scones with strawberry. It just tastes good. It’s such a good environment.

 Victoria Rossa English Tea Room serves all things quintessentially British including the afternoon tea, freshly baked butter cake and raisin scones with homemade strawberry jam and butter.

Picture of the day :~

Why so serious ?!

Hi dear ! 

 Selections of Victoria Rossa world’s finest English tea
  • Old-Fashioned Royal English Tea (Earl Grey, Royal Darjeeling, English Breakfast, Scottish Breakfast, Irish Breakfast, Afternoon Tea, Garden Mint Tea, Royal Assam, Spice Tea, Lovers Leap)
  • Edwardian’s English Tea (Lightly Earl Grey, Breakfast Tea, Afternoon Tea, Evening Tea, Evening Jasmine, Dinner Tea, Long Iris Curl, Special Blend, Mint Tea, Chamomile Desire)
  • Victorian’s Blend (Tea of Anna, Tea of Eliza, Tea of Isabella, Tea of Julia, Tea of Laura, Tea of Mazie, Tea of Olivia, Tea of Rebecca, Tea of Rowena, Tea of Vanessa)
  • Victoria Rossa’s Blend (Lavender Tea, Rose Tea, Strawberry Tea)

 Victoria Rossa English Tea Room
Address:33,Jalan Irrawady,10350 Penang.
Tel:04 2269128

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