Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday - KL First day

Heading to KL early morning. Gooshh!! Last night i really lack of sleep.
Gonna nap at car while my boy driving.LOL..
First we go for lunch when reach KL. Yea~ Bee Won Korean Restaurant having lunch with my boy.
Order too much and we could not finish the food. what a waste ! Not think to force myself to finish it.
Haiz.. Look at my leg , fat is not a good thing. 
 Then go Kajang find his cousin. Waste two or three hours because traffic jam. Argghh..
I feel like today just stay at car but did not go anywhere.

Outfit of the day

He always pek cek when traffic jam. Look at his face.-.-

Sleepy la~

Start my first meal today

I not think two person can finish 

busy man -.-

This is the food we leave. Still have a lot not finish yet. OMG.. waste ! 

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