Saturday, May 11, 2013

Ample day with jogging and outing

Having long hair is the most annoying and wonderful thing ever.
 Weather feel like sauna. Hot weather puts me in such a bad and lazy mood. 
Wake up early around 6.30am for jogging at Penang Botanic Garden with my boy . 
After one hours jog I feel so great after the sweating! LOL...
How i wish could stay every week come here for jogging. 
After jog then we go near there having breakfast - Big Ben Breakfast.
Its my second have the breakfast here. And he is the first try.
Order two set Big Ben Breakfast and one Sandwich with Ham and Cheese.
And one is Apple juice , Carrot Juice add milk. :D Satisfy !!!

Waiting my boy at SP exam for insurance . Sitting the like "gong kia" playing game with my phone. Thought today can go Batu Kawam Ceramah , but really jam ! 
So, i think have to miss it again. Sorry for any friends who asking me go and i just PPK u guys! I am SORRY !!! Really jam seriously ~!!! 

Just heading to Auto City Sakae Sushi as dinner and go beside the market walk around.
Haha!! I have bought some make up stuff again. Sticker for double eye-fold .

Then after it we chilling at Starbucks with friends. Really do enjoy and relax!

Cleanse your face morning and night with a gentle cleanser and follow with an oil-free moisturizer.
Skip the cup of coffee. Acne outbreaks are tied to both increased stress levels & sleep deprivation, lower your caffeine intake.

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