Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Labour Day . Wednesday

Hi Hi people ! Labour day going where ? Happy Labour Day people.
Its already first day of May. Life still keep it on.I know I'm fat, I'm gaining weight . But I too lazy to exercise.Just simple out for movie with my boy and friends also need test many cloth only suit me.
Feel like doing nothing and eight of us just like window shopping .
Walk all around the shopping mall, then walk tp Gurney Paragon having dinner at Lunarich.
After finish dinner then we go watch movie - Iron Man 3 !
Have you guys watch ad? Hmm.. Its really awesome after the movie! Cool man !
For some guys they said like not really special and not much flighting movie.
Like some kind of action movie. But for me is lovely. Like it very much.

Prepared to Penang now. Early heading to Penang, worry today will jam everywhere.

Taking picture with my babe Candy 

 Angle problem? Actually I am chubby face lo!

Candy and with his boyfriends - Beng
Are they wear couple shirt or ngam ngam same color ? did't notice it

Yeahhh! Its same color shirt with my boy . We never "pakat" one.. 

Guess where Am I now?!

Both them have smart phone is busy press their phone and another beside one without smart phone yet is better that have communication with his girl friends. LOL.. Get it mean ?

Then I am the one busy snap picture with myself. Haha

Big clock beside me ! Its 7.15PM now. 

Order Squid Ink Pasta as dinner. Look like.. poison food?!
Its my first try actually.

Look ! My mouth kena poison ad ! Hahaha..Yuckkkk

You want try ? :D

Its my outfit today ! 

Four of us outfit look ! Start intro from left side*  Candy, Iwer , Dada and ME 

Its is my hero Iron Man ! For me the movie is best ever ! 

Its really do cute small Iron Man , izit cartoon look ?

Thank for view my blog again ! Stay tuned for next ya . Will updated soon ..

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