Saturday, June 22, 2013

Early celebrated Khai Birthday

Early celebrated Khai birthday . Just simple celebrated at Khai K box house! Its his house room for sing k . 
We plan this time as surprise that he did not know we will there for celebrated. 
Normally he will go out with Candy brother. "caught" prawn... LOL..
Then we just go his house prepared the thing and food.
Tight up the balloon and arrange the food.
Hahah..!! Its funny with a group friends . Suggest by Iwer , she asking ask write down the punishment rules in small paper then blow the balloon and tight up. 

I have take so many picture and special the video which have to get punish. 
Well, i have to stop the blog now.
Video will share out what we had the day.

Sad that i could not post out here all the video i have take. Such a waste !!!!! I have take all the video who get punish in this game. Hmmmmm.. No choose ad, should give up upload here.

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