Sunday, July 28, 2013

Durian feast with friends & Paragon

Time has a way of showing us what really matters.
Home made Lobak today as brunch and wait for later durian feast with friends .

Have seven durian by five person at Bao Sheng Farm... Actually i still not enough and satisfy with it.
But i know if i keep eat, weekday keep fit plan must fail.
After we heading to Gurney Paragon... For me and my boy should say AGAIN..LOL
Because yesterday we have walk whole shopping mall and the shop.So we know the shop as well.

Then meet up Candy and other at Weld Quay Seafood Restaurant.
Well, as we tired yet fun together. Today eat so many fat food.
Durian & Seafood is most fat foods. Calories are quite high.

Lobak as lunch.

The sun is bright !

 O.o Halo!! Penang here i coming

Wooot!! Waiting to try you as long..durian*

Ini lah bagus !!

Stopppp!! This is mine ! 

Non Stop eat .... noom noom..

High view. Nice right? =]

Its been long time did not hang out with her. Iwer babe 

Still a lot people come even very far. Gooshh! All durian lover.

Satisfy face ! Hahaha..

Heyy.. I saw there some durian too..

Another day at Paragon.

Four guys behind me as random background. LOL  

Lemon juice needed !

Weekend always spent my day with you.

So so so tired....

Girls, you don't have to be skinny to be pretty, you just have to be happy with your body, this is what make you look pretty :)
If your skin is sensitive, test new products on the inside of your wrist 24 hours before using it on your whole body.

Friday, July 26, 2013



Thursday, July 25, 2013

Quote for the day.

Never give up on something you really want. It’s difficult to wait, but worse to regret.
 Ignore the negative things can't change. Change the negative things can't ignore
 People get really comfortable and forget they can be replaced in a minute
 Life is too short to argue and fight. Count your blessings & value your love ones.

I want a relationship where we can act like idiots, talk about the most random stuff, and never get tired of each other. Never lie to someone who trusts you, and never trust someone who lies to you.

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Sunday ? Seriously i dislike stay at home when weekend .
Just some time i need some rest only will prefer stay at home for awhile.
But i prefer hang out with friend or with my boy.
For me Sunday is like dating with their love. 

Chilling at Starbucks with old friends. He is the super open mind guys that i know. LOL
I know i cant be like him look like everything is just fine.
Thank for accompany to kill my bored Sunday. I know is bad if i stay at home.

Then direct go Gym alone seen like doing nothing after that.
Run 30min , Cycle 30min... LOL!! Then.. BACK..

Dye hair by myself using Liese Bubble Hair Color which is choose Chestnut Brown.
Its look like more dark brown and without gold hair anymore. Hahaha!! 
That what i want as long , before i though to try some red but my boy dislike.
So, just forget la!

Having yogurt as dinner - Tutti Futti 
Durian yogurt , Melon yogurt , berry yogurt ! Its yummy !! Thumb up 

No more two color hair after dye myself. Still is dark brown. 

Three favor for this yogurt.

without smile, because i look pong when smile. LOL

Saturday, July 20, 2013

55 Cafe & The Mugshot

Early morning go for dim sum with colleague. So normal we work at Saturday will go breakfast before going work. But we always go pasar pagi having mihun , ban mee, or any mee ....! 

Finish work then rush back home prepared out with my boy. Today we plan go try 55 Cafe & Restaurant - Coffee Atelier


Order one Caramel Macchiato (hot) RM12.00

Carbonara Spaghetti RM29.00

Lemon Cake RM18.00

Then go for second visit The Mugshot. My boy is first time came for try. First he go , he feel the shop like how come a small cafe can be so many people come. After the friendly boss talk with him. He just feel that friendly and warm there. LOL.. This is what i feel when his action. 
I wish that can chilling with the love one like this kind of place.
We could try the new food and enjoy the drinks. Sharing each other .
And... Snap like no people care ! LOL..Love the person who join with me like this.

Three of us.

Heading to Gurney Plaza around 6PM, actually we wait the movie RED 10.10PM.
So we still have five hours for waiting the movie show. 
Just simple walk in the shop I-Square Station , I bought a bracelet for myself. 

Bracelet RM39.90

Monday, July 15, 2013

Arms Workout

Definitely need 5 minutes to spare workout arm for every morning!
My arm is damn so bigger and i don't wanna build my muscle , I just want a toning up arm.
Hope it is work so that could lose the fat on my arms . Just try to do some cardioid along with it.
Will see a difference. It is not too hard for me. Just stay with it.
However must kill the bad fat and belly first

Sexy Arms 5 Minute Workout

The Best Ways to Lose Flabby Arms Without Push-Ups 

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Another swimming day with brother only. Both us sleep over , 9am only only heading there.
I feel so cold with when in the swimming pool. Today sure get flu ! Aizzz..

After swimming , stay home for awhile waiting my daddy made homemade pizza as lunch.
Shopping with my babe girl Fanny ! Bought two sports pants and a short pants and two top 
Then only go gym for alone.

Swimming season with brother.

Relax after swim. Laying like a boss..

Gym time alone ! Ospp.. forget take out the lens

Mirror Mirror double me.