Sunday, July 21, 2013


Sunday ? Seriously i dislike stay at home when weekend .
Just some time i need some rest only will prefer stay at home for awhile.
But i prefer hang out with friend or with my boy.
For me Sunday is like dating with their love. 

Chilling at Starbucks with old friends. He is the super open mind guys that i know. LOL
I know i cant be like him look like everything is just fine.
Thank for accompany to kill my bored Sunday. I know is bad if i stay at home.

Then direct go Gym alone seen like doing nothing after that.
Run 30min , Cycle 30min... LOL!! Then.. BACK..

Dye hair by myself using Liese Bubble Hair Color which is choose Chestnut Brown.
Its look like more dark brown and without gold hair anymore. Hahaha!! 
That what i want as long , before i though to try some red but my boy dislike.
So, just forget la!

Having yogurt as dinner - Tutti Futti 
Durian yogurt , Melon yogurt , berry yogurt ! Its yummy !! Thumb up 

No more two color hair after dye myself. Still is dark brown. 

Three favor for this yogurt.

without smile, because i look pong when smile. LOL

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