Sunday, August 25, 2013


Waiting my boy pick up me when i am done my prepared. 
Heading to Gurney Plaza & Gurney Paragon .
Happy that the time we go Sushi Zamai is best hours.
Just need to line up 10 min then can go for the lunch. I am hungry because haven't eat breakfast yet.
This should be my brunch. Like happy girl having the sushi as craving as long.

We have wrong timing to watch Elysium at Gurney . Haiz..
I haven't go wall all the shop at Gurney Paragon.
If not wrong have some new shop opened i not go yet.

Finish the movie early , we go some sport shop looking for the sport wear.
I found so many shop , looking for the sport bra wish that my budget enough for me to buy.
I have many thing want and i only have little money to buy what i need.
Today I buy two sports bra for myself with finally.Need it badly special going GYM.

Its been long time did not go Sungai Pinang Food Court having dinner. I very miss the Ikan Bakar !!
Haha... And have "frog porridge" as dinner! Yummmy.. Satisfy with the food today.

The look & outfit today. Simple..

Try the Lavender Ice Cream

Yeah! Happy bough the sport bra. Start wear when go gym!

kissing the Ubah bird. <3 p="">

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