Jumping Jacks
While standing with your feet together, put your hands by your sides and knees slightly bent. Keep your eyes looking forwards. Simply jump and separate your legs, swinging your arms upward and touching them overhead.
Lunge to flye
Stand with your arms down in front of your body, palms in. Step forward with your left leg, bend both knees and perform a lunge, spreading your arms wide, palms forwards. Keep your eyes front and back straight throughout. Step back into stand positon and repeat on the right. Do 10 reps on each side.
Side Lunge with Twist
Stand with arms extended at shoulder height and hands clasped. Step into a side lunge with your left leg, and rotate your torso and arms in the same direction. Keep your eyes on your hands. Return to the start and repeat on the other side. Do 10 reps on each side.
Alternating Split Deadlift
Stand with your arms by your side, then step forward with your left leg. Keeping a slight bend in both knees, lean over your leading leg and extend your arms down, making sure to lean from your hips and keep your spine straight. Return to the start and repeat on the right side. Do 20 reps, 10 on each side.
Squat To Reach
With your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart, arms down by your sides and back straight, perform a simple squat. Hold, then power up through your feet, straighten your legs and raise your arms abobe your head. keeping your eyes forward. Return to the staring position and repeat 10 times.
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