Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Exchange Gift

We plan it early Christmas exchanges gift. We have set arbitrary gift limits like RM50. We just want to be a fair game so wont get the present and blame for any unfair thing happen. Its a good time and fun with any group or friends and relatives to exchanges git with each.

The game have Me , Fanny , Wei See, Kary , Mei Ting . Five of us.

At the games we have count the number of people wanting to play. And number pieces of paper up to that number. So that everyone pick a piece of number paper. This is the order that people will pick presents.

Picture without edit. Busy for nowdays and no time for edit the picture . 
Sorry that if any picture i post out feel fat or ugly. Pls forgive me.

Prepared the gift for exchange with the girls later~

What present i will get later

Starbucks drink.

Five of us. Thanks my sister be my camera girls .
My old classmate . All still same =] But one thing they change is pretty more that before.

My sister Ah Ying

My buddy ~ Fanny
Start the game

Discuss how to play

I super like my present . Because is perfume ~ I have collect perfume habit
The gift is from Wei See. Thanks you very much

Guess what she get. The gift is bought from Lovely Lane

Wei See exchange my gift. Its a dress and a small handbag =]

Let me intro : Bee Ting & Kary 

Maggie Mee with hot dog & egg by Bpei .
She open a new shop at Auto City. Shop name : ByBy Station 
Help me to promote and visit once go Auto City ya. Thanks :)

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