Sunday, December 8, 2013

Heline Wedding Day

Today such a good day with my ji mui. Early morning prepared heading to Sungai Bakap for attend Heline wedding. Pick up twelve friends who close with her to be her ji mui day. Last time have prepared some stuff. So today we just prepared the "food" for the guys later. 

So far i just busy snap picture while they busying. Hahaha.. Let me intro Heline . She is my house mate actually. We have stay together for a year. She is the person who very care friends. I just love stick with her very much. Unlucky that we stay far. So that we also less contact each. 

Another friends married we all sure happy . So , who the next person will married ?
I still not stable , should be three more year i guess. Don't expect on me. Thankss. Haha

Oh ya! Today i just wearing a white dress attend Heline wedding. Picture show for the day we had. Sorry that i not the good person who can write out what the day happening .

Oh wedding dress~

Before outing, capture one picture 

Oh my pretty mama - heline 

big head picture 

prepared the "food" and "drink"

Done~!! look delicious ~

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